Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Soul Care

"Allowing service for Christ to steal our devotion to him is a radical failure in personal soul care. But it is one from which the practice of communing with Christ in times of solitude and silence can deliver us."

How many times have we gotten to the place where we are absolutely empty, poured out, exhausted...and how many times have we found that the rest and refreshment of a three day spiritual retreat, where we have a private room and time to take a nap, walk in a natural setting, read our Bibles, and simply be silent and alone with the Lord has completely restored us?

Silence, Solitude, and Time are essential to our soul care.

Friday, December 16, 2011

What did the Lord show me during our Retreat?

The Lord shared his love with me and let me know that He is here for me. And I learned that the Lord's love is unconditional and He has always been my Father watching over me.
"The Springs retreat is held in such a beautiful place where you can spend time knowing and worshipping the Lord." 
- November 2011 retreatant

"The Lord blessed this time for me in too many ways to say. I felt loved by Him in everything here - from the thoughtfulness of the team putting all of the details together - in small things -- to the beautiful promises with my name put in there personally - it was so sweet.

"I found the chapels so beautiful and driven by the Holy Spirit. I loved the freedom I felt in Track 3 - and when I took some of that freedom, I never felt pressured by anyone to do anythingin particular, which is so important to me, here.

"I appreciated the "silent" table too...God took me on a journey I'm not soon to forget and I thank Him for that! Thank you for allowing me to come!  Thank you!"  - Laura T.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Why did you come to the Springs?

"I came to the Springs retreat in 2009 for my first retreat and took home many tools to use in my life for the next year. God knew I would need them for that year. My sister moved out and I suddenly became a full-time caregiver for my husband. His Alzheimer's progressed. I had tools to work with so that I could "live in God's love."

My husband is with Jesus now and I need to find myself again, and see where God will lead my life. Thank you, Jesus.

--Patty Sue, November 2011 retreatant

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not what I expected!

"I have felt like a wanderer, not excited with where I am headed. I was very frustrated with the Lord and wasn't sure how this retreat would go... I held on to verses that I have memorized and thought of his love for me in a different perspective. Romans 5 was something I stumbled upon which was helpful. I now am questioning more than ever what my purpose is... I might go back to school and I may look into ministry as I felt a tug on my heart. Overall, this retreat calmed my heart but showed me that I need to get down on my knees a lot more and be still and listen for what the Lord wants me to hear. NONE OF THIS WAS WHAT I EXPECTED (in true God fashion)!"


Monday, November 28, 2011

The Springs Retreat

"The Springs was used by the Lord to give me time to dig into the dark places in my life, cleaning out the junk and lies, replacing them with who God says I am. It was a time of peace and no agenda. I just wanted what God wanted for me. I was refreshed and energized to go home and handle circumstances in a whole new way. I saw visably that God cared about my desires. He met me in the low dry valley and he met me on the mountain top. He used this time to tell me He loves me no matter what."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Describe The Springs for someone who has never been

"The Springs is a time to detox from the demands and pace of life. Newim provides a perfect blend of supplements, discussion, teaching and quiet time to help the beginner, as well as seasoned followers of Jesus, to maximize their time to hear and share with our Lord and Savior through the discipline of solitude."  -- Pam Carr, Director of Womens Ministries

"A very peaceful time with God, enjoying His creation." --Dana S.

"A desperately needed time set in my busy life to go away with the Lord. A transformational experience every single time, but never what I anticipate or expect! A chance to fully experience alone time with the perfect love of Jesus Christ." -- Ashley Budd

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Principles of Devotion

Know deeply that I am whole in God’s eyes – beloved. He values and loves me. Because I am so loved and completely forgiven, I can love and forgive others.

Know yourself – your strengths and their accompanying weaknesses. Know how you promote and defend yourself.

Surrender to the love of God and entrust yourself to his loving intentions. Consent to his supremacy in all things. Be willing for God to be your Father.

Release control of your time, tendencies, inclinations, motivations, desires, goals, finances to the Lord. Be aware of what you might be holding back.

Find contentment in trusting in the goodness of the will of God, assured he has done and always will do well by us.

Fully participate, using your intelligence and energy to accomplish God’s will in the world.

Present your body to God—release each part to Him, ask him to take charge of your body, fill it, use it for his purposes. Use fasting as a strategy to help you know that the Lord is the Provider of nourishment for both your body and your soul. You are in charge of your body.

Stop idolizing your body. Care for it as it serves God and don’t worry or fear what will happen to it or what it will do to you. Entrust it to God.

Don’t misuse your body – not as a source of sensual gratification outside God’s will or to manipulate others by how you dress, or the things you say, or by using your words to exclude others.

Properly honor and care for your body—it is holy, set apart to God. Eat well and exercise. Enter into contrary practices like Sabbath resting and fasting to break the force of a habit that you don’t seem to be able to resist. When you feel tempted, turn your attention to deeply receiving the truth of God’s love for you. Rest. Sleep well.

Be in a community of trusted friends that are willing to open their inner lives. Be as honest as you can be about who you are.

Reflect on God’s Word each day.

Have a daily time to reflect on what the Spirit is doing in your heart and life. To do this, you might journal reflectively about: What insight did you receive today? What are you most grateful for? What do you want to hold on to? What do you want to release?

Take the opportunity to go on a spiritual retreat where you have the luxury of several days focused on being with God.


Friday, November 18, 2011

What I learned at the Springs this year

"At the first chapel, I nailed down some hurts I needed to give to Jesus and I did! Thanks Christy!"

"The Lord used this time in my life to refresh and renew my spirit. It was a delight once again to see each of you - you make a dynamite team! I continued on my learning curve of solitude and silence -- it's getting a little easier. Luann has helped me a lot with that through conversations we've had and the awesome papers she has written on it that are available on the Resource Table. I'm trying to free myself of rules and expectations - it's coming!

"Thanks to each of you for all the work you sink into this very worthwhile project! Two resources that really meant a lot to me this year were "Hearts Unfold like Flowers Before Thee" and the 2 pages of God's promises from Scripture - that was amazing."

-- Sue, Nov 2011 retreatant


He Will Answer

Psalm 86:7 “In the day of my trouble I will call to You, for You will answer me.”
The truths of this verse are so precious to me. In times of trouble, or times of need, maybe times of loneliness, or fear about the future, it feels like He’s used this verse to teach me something…
He doesn’t always answer our questions, but He always answers our cry.

Sometimes His answer is “I am with you.”
Sometimes it’s “Be still and know that I am God.”
Or maybe it’s “Do not fear.”
But what has overwhelmed me lately is that His answer is always, “I love you.”
Regardless of my circumstances, or emotions, or thoughts, or needs, He loves me. That never ever changes.
I wonder how many times the Lord answers my cry, but I don’t hear? Because I’m looking for a different kind of answer. I often want an answer that will speak to my situation, yet He longs to speak to my heart. I usually want an answer that will cause me to know how things are going to work out, but He wants me to simply know more of Who He is, and that He is in control.

Psalm 86:7 “In the day of my trouble I will call to You, for You will answer me.”
Thank You, Lord, that Your answer is always, “I love you.”

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Describe your retreat for us --

"The Lord has taken me into the quiet place and away from all the distractions to just love on me. I was not aware I needed this so much. He took my eyes off myself and as a result, I saw him everywhere.

"Thank you for your many hours of preparation and organization. It is evident much prayer went into this retreat."  -- Leone Krohn


Sunday, November 13, 2011

How did the Lord use the Retreat in my life?

The Lord brought a long-hoped-for transformation to fruition.
He led me to find some answers to troubling questions and resolution.
He showed me his unconditional love and helped me pass it on.
He showed me His amazing creation through women and nature.
He made my heart sing through song.

Thank you Lord!  Thank you the Springs!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thank you for the Scholarship!

"I am so deeply grateful for the scholarship. I wouldn't have been able to come without it. And the Lord has really used the women in my small group and the time here to put me on the path of freedom."
--Sarah Schmidt, November retreatant


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How did the Lord use The Springs Retreat in my life?

The Lord allowed me to see how He had been at work in our family's life bringing us together and knitting our hearts to each other.

He showed me that I have a proud heart and need to be a broken Christian...that this brokenness is an admission of need and dependence on the Lord...a pulverization of my self-will.

He showed me that I still feel overwhelmed and trapped by my own expectations.

He showed me that all I am required to do is to love God and love people and let go of everything else.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

He Chose Me

By Kim Bagato

On my first retreat at The Springs, I sensed great peace as I settled in. I’d contemplated what it would be like to spend time at a Catholic retreat center. The family I grew up in did not attend church every Sunday. We didn’t even go on Christmas or Easter. Therefore, my religious training was scant.
I had a lot to learn when introduced to Jesus in the early 1980s as a young adult. I still discover gaps in my understanding of religious traditions. The Stations of the Cross is one of those areas I didn’t know much about.

The first night of The Springs retreat we gathered in the chapel. My eyes were drawn to Jesus on the cross. I believe it was the first time I saw his humanness—He was a man. Jesus is God, but I saw him that night as human. It struck me how sad and hard and unnatural it looked to see him hanging there so vulnerable and in need of care. Memories appeared in my mind’s eye of my husband, son, dad, grandpa and friends I’d seen in hospitals, in pain, near death. Men—strong healthy men—injured, ill, vulnerable. They are the ones I lean on and look to and seeing them incapacitated is difficult for me.
Christ on the cross was a startling reminder of the pain he endured and the humility and abuse he met from men he could have overpowered.

He chose not to.
For me.

The following afternoon, I walked the path through the Stations of the Cross. I’d never done this before. Each pure white statue depicted a scene of Christ’s journey from trial to crucifixion and each seemed to emanate an historic peace. This bothered me. I’d read the gospel accounts, and my memory recalled the brutality of this course of events. These colorless sculptures left me with questions so I returned to the quietness of my room to study the scriptures and gain a better understanding of Christ’s final hours.

I did some research and discovered the titles and themes of each of the 14 Stations of the Cross and learned some background. I delved into my Bible searching for truth. (See Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 and John 19.)

I found it.

Quickly I realized that type of punishment couldn’t be fully reflected in cream-colored carvings. I’m uncertain if I’ll ever fully understand His horrendous yet supernatural sacrifice. That is not a pretty, holy, serene looking Jesus. He endured more than most of us will in a lifetime.
Deeply humbled and nearly in a state of shock, I allowed the gravity of that tragic injustice to soak deep. The profound truth of Christ’s unwavering expression of faithfulness, love and obedience to the Father’s will silenced my mind and granted me peace as I prayed:
Oh, God I don’t ever want to discount or squander your sacrifice and the unimaginable cost you paid to save my soul. It’s so valuable and heavy I can barely carry it.

© Kim Bagato 2011

How did the Lord use The Springs Retreat in my life?

I came here to be refreshed - I received it.
I came here to hear from God - I heard Him.
I came here to worship and praise Him - I did that.
I came here for a greater intimacy with God - I got it.
I came here for direction - I got it.
I came here to fellowship with other believers - it happened.
I came to learn - I learned new things.
I came to relax - I relaxed.
I came to get away with Jesus - I did.


Monday, November 7, 2011

How did this Lord Use The Springs retrteat?

"I love my time here. Just being quiet and enjoying the silence. For me, this is not something I can replicate at home. I have small children so the reality is that if I want a full day of quiet focused on God, it has to be away from home.

"This retreat I really concentrated on studying a book on learning how to crave God. We are made to crave but I've been filling my cravings with things and food and drink and fueling self-hate. I've been sluggish and down. I'm going to replace those habits with God. Give me more God! I'm created to crave Him. By his grace I'll find freedomfromthe vices that consume my thoughts and my heart. Give me more God! His grace issufficient for me."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What are your taking home from your retreat?

"During this retreat, the Lord caused me to stop and listen and record what He wanted me to know at this point in time about family circumstances, ministry circumstances and primarily about my need for Him to fill me daily with His love."

"The Springs is a way to come close to the Lord in quiet solitude."

How did the Lord use this Retreat?

"He answered my cries. He satisfied my spoken needs before the retreat even started. He used the rest of the time to clarify confusions I've been struggling with for a while. He even opened up a new path for my future and gave me a new guide. Amen!"

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Soul Rest

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. Psalm 23

It’s stressing over outcomes that makes me nuts. This is not the spiritual life. The spiritual life involves surrendering all outcomes to Jesus, drawing close, listening to his Spirit to follow his leading, and doing my best but not with a compulsive, obsessed, “driven to prove myself” mentality.

This is quite a challenge when you are being held accountable for results and you really can fail, lose funding, lose your job.

“The Lord is my shepherd.” He is the one who provides. He is the one who makes me lie down and rest secure. He is the one who nourishes and refreshes and leads the way. He is the one who restores my soul. He is the one who guards me from evil and takes away all my fear because I know he is right there beside me, able to protect me. He is the one who vindicates me in the presence of my enemies and honors me and blesses me. “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all of the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Soul rest is possible because I learn from Scripture that the criteria for success in Jesus’ kingdom is not the outcome I’m striving for. That’s the world’s measure. Success in God’s kingdom is defined by God and is based on our love for him and others, our dependence and humility before him, our fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. When we live in the kingdom of God we can lighten up, have fun doing our best, because we have been set free from having to prove our worth by producing results. God wants our hearts and he’ll produce success according to his measure. He may even have us fail in order to form our character in the crucible of suffering and difficulties. So rest.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spiritual Gluttony

Rest rekindles the fire.

There is such a thing as “spiritual gluttony” – when we compulsively want more and more spiritually. The compulsion to do more ministry, glean more insight, meet with more people, pray longer, give more, sleep less. Passion that morphs into an obsession can ruin us.

On a regular basis, we need to stop and take a true Sabbath’s rest. If we don’t, we can become spiritual gluttons. Passion everyday can squelch our passion. Lay down everything you are doing and stop all of your mental activity and truly rest.

Rest rekindles the fire.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Restore My Soul

“There is no grander sight in the world than that of a person fired with a great purpose, dominated by one unwavering aim.” Orison Swett Marden

Let God use all that he’s created to nurture my soul and speak to my heart. He is good, he cares for me, and loves me, and welcomes me into his kingdom through the passion of his Son. Everything leads me to him. He is restoring my soul.

Two weeks outdoors to be immersed in the beauty of nature has the same soul-restoring effect as a silent retreat. It draws me out of the world of hurry, and struggle, and decisions and draws me into God’s world of peace, and joy, and rest.

Lord, may you use these days to restore my soul. Light me on fire by the work of your Spirit that I’ll return home dominated by one unwavering aim to love you with my heart, mind, soul, and strength every day. I desire to be fired with a great purpose, that your will is done on earth as it is in heaven.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spiritually Dry

Sometimes we get to the point where we are really dry. We have worked so hard in ministry, yet we feel strangely disconnected from the Lord. How do we re-connect? How do we remind ourselves that we are living in His presence? What can we do to deepen our understanding of God's love for us?

Journaling, reflection, lectio divina, prayers of confession and relinquishment, silence, and solitude, the prayer of examen, will all lead us into his arms.

We can get spiritually dry even though we are involved in Christian activities.

It's amazing how refreshed we feel when we stop all of our "religious" activity, spend time giving God our hearts, falling in love with him all over again, letting the truth of His love soak into our inner sanctuary, seeing his hand in our lives and hearing his call, and simply attending to him. So one anecdote for spiritual dryness is to take a Sabbath’s rest and stop all of our work.

"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11

Spiritual vitality will return.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Rest - A Day to Disengage

“Foolish out of measure is he who attendeth upon other things rather than those which serve the soul’s health.”

I had been intense all month, mentally considering ideas, reading, writing, meeting with people. On Thursday, I was exhausted and I felt on Friday that in order to continue wanting to be in pursuit of God, I needed a break, a day to totally disengage. I didn’t read anything. I didn’t turn on my computer. Instead, Kevin and I enjoyed a day outside. We took the light rail downtown and walked to the Rose Garden. A great day, enjoying being outside, with Kevin, mentally disengaged from ministry so that I could re-engage with enthusiasm tomorrow.

I’m learning that for me to stay hot, I must disengage at times. Passionate living can leave me mentally exhausted and a day off can be so refreshing that I wake up the next day desiring to re-engage.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


It’s hard to be passionate about anything when I’m on the verge of falling asleep. When I’m tired. I just want to go to sleep. I can’t push through being exhausted. For me, I need to be rested to live passionately. So part of nurturing spiritual passion is being disciplined about getting enough sleep. For me, I need 7-1/2 to 8 hours of sleep.

I can want to be passionate, but if I’m too tired, I get grumpy. I can’t stay awake, I can’t concentrate, I can’t reflect or think deeply or learn. When I try to read when I’m tired, my eyes may scan the words but I have no knowledge of what I read. When I try to pray I fall asleep. So in order to nurture my heart’s desire for the Lord, I need rest.

We may want to stay up late doing something, but that actually works against us. If what is best for us is that we live fully alive, then we need to pay attention to getting enough sleep. That doesn’t sound as spiritual as staying up all night working on something—but it is.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Care for our Bodies

I am responsible to care for my body. It is central to all other responsibilities I have. I am the steward of my body. It belongs to God and he has entrusted it to me.

I must present my body to God as a living and holy sacrifice. The goal is that every part of my body is inclined toward God and godliness, breaking conformity with the world and being transformed by the renewal of my mind (thoughts, imaginations, judgments). We don’t want our bodies starting us off after evil, dragging along our thoughts and feelings.

“The body must come to serve as a primary ally in Christlikeness. The body lies right at the center of the spiritual life. It can, and often does, hinder us. The body should be cherished and properly cared for, not as our master, but as a servant of God.” (Willard)

My language, culture, gender, talents, opportunities and family all come to me through my body. My body keeps a record of my desires, sensations, emotions that tells the truth about me in my core. I cannot escape my body. My body is God’s creation.

My body is not just physical but is inhabited by Jesus’ real presence (Phil. 3:10, Romans 8:11). I need to set aside “my flesh” by God’s grace, putting to death all of the old desires that are in rebellion against God, and take on my new life in Christ. Christ was raised that I may walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4).

To accomplish what God has called me to, my body must be as healthy as I can achieve. How foolish to squander this great gift of a body by allowing it to deteriorate from lack of exercise and over eating. Lord, change my heart (my inner thinking and attitudes) so that I value and see the connection between my health and the work you’ve called me to. I cannot sacrifice my health without limiting years of my life and ministry.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Bodies

“Most of what is called character consists in what our bodies are and are not “at the ready” to do in the specific situations we find ourselves in.” (Dallas Willard)

The proper retraining and nurturing of the body is absolutely essential to Christlikeness.

Willard instructs us that inclination to do what is wrong (temptation) resides primarily in my body. We can act or speak before we think. Our body parts can carry us away (James 3:5-6). Our bodies run our lives: we are almost entirely devoted to how our bodies look, smell, feel, and how I can use my body to be admired.

God created our bodies so that we could live a life devoted to God as we await our glorification and new bodies in the next life.

Body worship, body hatred, fear of what our bodies will do to us before we die are all coming from a perspective that there is no God. God says that our bodies are beautiful, holy, sacred and belong to him. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who indwells us. God created our bodies and gave them to us. Spiritual formation involves not just our hearts but our bodies as well.

Heart * Soul * Mind * Strength


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Take Back your Time

Aren't we always looking for more time, telling people how we have no time, using lack of time as an excuse for not doing all kinds of things—including things we know we should do like reading to our children and flossing our teeth?

I’ve come to own that I make the choices for how I spend the 24 hours that God has given to one is making me busy except myself and no one, besides me, will give an account for how I spend my time. I've come to the conclusion that my days are full just like everyone's days are full and I'm the one responsible for it. If I’m too busy, it’s my fault.

No time is more profitably spent than the time I use to heighten the quality of my walk with God. If I think otherwise, I have been badly misled. The real question is, will I take time to do what is necessary for a vital, passionate life in Christ or will I try to get by without it?

There is no substitute for time spent with the Lord.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

But First

"I will follow you, but first let me go..." Lk 9

I've always read this passage and wondered why Jesus would have a problem with someone wanting to bury his father, or taking the time to say good-bye to his family. This morning what stood out to me was "First let me go..." Don't we always have something that we want to do first? Jesus, I'll follow, but first I need to send an email, clean the house, finish school, raise my kids. We can go through our life thinking we are following Jesus, writing books about following Jesus, teaching others how to follow Jesus...but never actually following Him because there's always something that we need to do just now...then we'll follow.

Following Christ. Being on a Mission. Living with Passion—all begin now. There's an urgency that can't be put off. First let me follow—then everything else will be taken care of.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God…” Matthew 6.

All of Me

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s comands and remain in his love.” (John 15:9-10)

Spiritual formation is foundational to living a Christian life that is pleasing to the Lord and worthy of his sacrifice and calling.

Spiritual transformation requires obedience. It requires intentionality on my part to do what the Lord commands, but it cannot be accomplished by depending on my will alone.

Spiritual transformation requires that I (heart, soul, thoughts, feelings, will) work together with the Holy Spirit in interaction with the grace of God to let God’s love change me in the core of my inner person.

Hungering for righteousness, longing and wishing for my attitudes, motivations, reactions, desires, and focused action to be beautiful and good, even Christ-like, won’t happen automatically while my attention is consumed in other things.

Spiritual transformation requires that I make love the central focus of my life. Jesus says, “Now remain in my love.” (John 15:9) Remain. Stay there. Don’t leave.

Love is the very least and the very most I can do.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is This Really Possible?

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:11-12)

"Living a life of love," "experiencing complete joy"—not exactly the first characteristics that spring to mind as people outside of the church seek to describe us. Not exactly the first characteristics that spring to my mind either. Why? Why aren’t we full of love and joy?

Willard writes, "It's God's intention that our lives should be a seamless manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control" (Gal. 5:22-23).

Is Willard right? Can we really get to a place in our lives where we experience God's joy from deep within that won’t be shaken by our circumstances? Not a pretense of joy, but a true sense of well-being and hope in the Lord always. Yes, I guess it is possible: Jesus taught us to abide in God's love, like a branch remains with the vine, "so that his joy may be in us and that our joy may be complete." It must be possible to live in joy.

Why don’t we experience love, joy, peace, patience...every day?

Maybe we're not paying enough attention to our interior lives. For the fruit of the Spirit to naturally overflow in our lives, we must attend to matters of the heart: experiencing His love and receiving his grace. When we go on a spiritual retreat we can take long periods of time to experience his love and grace in these kinds of specific ways. A spiritual retreat is different from a vacation. It's not just time for us to get away from it all. The retreat is for the specific purpose of being with the Lord.

During a retreat we have time for spiritual exercises like practicing the presence of God, and letting the Word of Christ richly dwell in us, and spending time in solitude with the Lord and experiencing his divine love. Practical exercises can help us abide in his love.

Back home, if we take the time to be with him, and make these practices part of our daily life, we are able to stay connected with the Lord like a branch is connected with the vine. Through living as Christ taught us we open ourselves to receiving his grace so that we will exude in increasing measure the character of the Spirit of God and experience his life changing us from the inside out. At least that's the goal that the Lord Jesus has set before us.

“Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love.” (Eph. 5:1)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Solitude, Silence and Rest

“We need to be sure HE is pulling the load, bearing the burden—which we are all too ready to assume is up to us alone. We must understand that He is in charge of the outcome of our efforts, and that the outcome will be good, right. And all of this is encompassed in one biblical term, “Sabbath.”

Practicing solitude, silence and fasting are especially helpful in resting. It's practicing silence and solitude on retreat that not only provides a deep sense of rest while we are on retreat, but also then enables us to enter into that place of rest even in the midst of a very busy life back home.

Living with an attitude of total rest in God will not happen automatically. We must practice laying everything down and walking away from it. We have to practice not talking. We have to practice silencing the inner noise. I love that at The Springs retreat we have opportunity to learn how to leave behind all of our work and how to quiet all of the noise so that we can truly enter into God's rest.

The challenge is to not bring our work with us when we go on a spiritual retreat. It's tempting to think that we'll use the time to write an article or complete our Bible study. If we do this, true solitude and rest will not be found. We have to get away from our work to rest.

Take an afternoon to walk the trails. Take an hour to reflect on the beauty of a wildflower or listen to the birds. Take some time to just sit in a chair and look at the valley and be open to the Lord. Just be with Him. It can be quite a shock for those of us who are so busy doing ministry to come away in order to just be with the Lord. But once we've practiced solitude and silence, they become the most precious times for us...and truly, we can learn to bring the blessedness of that rest into our busy lives.


Monday, October 10, 2011


“The most powerful force on earth is the soul set on fire by the love of God.”

Living with my soul on fire must be balanced with complete assurance of Jesus’ mastery of the universe, otherwise I start burning out from thinking it’s up to me to move these mountains that won’t budge!

Dependence on the work of the Holy Spirit, and trust in the promise that all I need is the faith of a tiny mustard seed helps me to work hard without getting discouraged and giving up. The results are really not up to me.

I find it is very challenging to live fully invested in advancing the kingdom of God and at the same time to rest in God’s sovereign control of the outcomes of my efforts, because I want to succeed.

I so want to see my friends come to know the Lord.

I so want to see our church grow.

I so want our church plants to be successful.

I can be working hard. I can be praying and yet see so little movement toward the goals I’ve set. I get frustrated with people when they abandon their part. Usually after the fact, I can tell that I have stopped depending on God and have taken full responsibility to accomplish things on my own. I’ve crossed over the line.

In church, the pastor read the story of Jesus speaking to the waves. The words “Be quiet and still” totally caught my attention. Jesus was speaking them to me: “Luann, be quiet and still.” Yes, Jesus rules the universe. He speaks the words and it will be done. As I opened my heart to his sovereignty, I could sense his peace return. All I am trying to accomplish is his. I can do my part but it is all dependent on him. If these goals are his will, he will make them happen. He just has to say the word.

Caleb is a good example for us. Hold on to God’s promises. Do your part in the waiting. Don’t be afraid. Move forward in full confidence that God the Holy Spirit is there working along with you, alive in your soul. But at the same time, know that God is in control. Allow your soul to be set on fire by the love of God. Live sold out to doing all that you can to further the gospel. Be assured that Jesus is in sovereign control.

Lord, I need to be intentional, think and plan strategically, take my next steps and totally know that your Holy Spirit is at work and will lead the way. I can wait and rest in you. The outcomes are your responsibility. If it doesn’t go as planned, fine. That was your plan. You’re as much interested in how my soul is transformed in all of this, as you are in me accomplishing my goals. I can be passionate every day and be fully at rest, totally dependent and confident in you, Master.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Watch and Learn

Spiritual formation is centered in loving God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving my neighbor as myself. As we are maturing in Christ, love for God and love for people should be increasingly developed in our hearts and more fully expressed in the ways we relate to people. Love is our message. (John 15-17)

A colleague, Janice Smith, responds to a need she hears with a desire to help. The rest of us offer to pray, but when she hears of a difficult life circumstance she asks, “Can we send a card, bring a meal, help financially?” Love lived. Passion every day. I want to be like her. I’m watching. Learning.

We can study Jesus to become like him. We can also study his followers to learn how to walk as Jesus walked.

Is there anyone you are watching?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Entering a Life of Worship

Inner renewal happens as we worship the Lord. Let the love of God lead you to worship. Let the psalms and hymns and spiritual songs create an undertone of worship in our lives. Throughout the day, join with angels who are worshipping in heaven: "To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever." (Rev. 5:13)

Our love of God leads us to worship Him, and overflows into a life of compassion and mercy—loving others.

Dallas Willard writes: "Worship is the single most powerful force in completing and sustaining restoration of our whole beings to God. Nothing can inform, guide, and sustain pervasive and radiant goodness in a person other than the true vision of God and the worship that spontaneously arises from it. Then the power of the indwelling Christ flows from us to others."

Matt Redman encourages us to set apart something in our lives that will serve as a call to worship. That seemed like a wonderful idea. I've set apart the sunrise and for months now, every time I see the sunrise, it reminds me to stop, turn my focus to the Lord, spend a few minutes in unworded openness before him, receiving his boundless love. The sunrise is my call to worship Jesus.

Worship isn't something that I have on my to-do list—another task. That's not the spirit of worship. Worship overflows from a heart that is grateful.

As we worship, we are renewed in our inner being.

Enjoy him. Pay attention to his fingerprints in your life that you might be deeply grateful to him for all he is doing and has done. Caring for our souls in these ways is our responsibility—this is our part of walking in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5) —and when we do, love and worship overflows in goodness and mercy as we live out our worship in service to others.

Soul Care

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” (2 Cor. 4:16)

Inner renewal is the secret to a life of service in tough circumstances. It’s the secret to not giving up.

The best way we can care for our souls is to be renewed inwardly in his love for us day by day. Every day, day after day.

Daily, for the rest of your life, be intentional to care for your soul by being attentive to God’s presence and aware of God’s love for you. That’s the very best way to nurture your soul.

Walking in the way of Jesus involves restoring our inner devotion. We will have sweet times of fellowship with the Lord when we retreat, but we shouldn’t expect that the intensity of devotion we experience on retreat will stay with us. And we shouldn’t keep looking back to earlier times when we experienced his nearness and just put up with living with a sense of being disconnected today. Thomas Kelly reflects: “But the light fades, the will weakens, humdrum returns. Can we stay this feeling? No, nor should we try…the Eternal Inward Light does not die when ecstasy (our feelings) dies, nor does it exist intermittently…Continuously renewed immediacy, not receding memory of the Divine Touch, lies at the base of religious living.”

The challenge is to learn in our daily practice how to be renewed. A good place to begin is by making a list of those activities that nurture your soul and then be intentional about incorporating them into your day.

“He restores my soul.” Psalm 23

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nothing Else

Nothing else is required in life. He is my love.

I am so grateful for the love of God. I’ve been chosen by him. I’ve been welcomed. I couldn’t make it happen. I had no coercive power to force it. But here it is. Jesus loves me and what a gracious gift that is. It’s humbling. Beautiful. Gentle.

And for our love to be mutual, I must choose him—choose to make him my desire, the love of my life.

Staying in love every day is our goal. The fire of passion must be nurtured. Bible study, prayer with words, prayer without words, reflection, fellowship, times for solitude, silence, and being with the Lord – are all ways to tend the fire within.

I desire to nurture my relationship with the Lord so that I live passionately in love with him every day. I desire that my “work” is produced by my faith in Jesus, labor is prompted by my love for him, and endurance is inspired by hope in his love, and our future together.” (I Thessalonians 1:3).

“I have everything that I need.” (Psalm 23:1b)

Nothing else is required in life when Jesus is my love.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Our ability to live out our call to love the Lord and to love others, and to live the teaching of Jesus is directly linked to our ideas and images of who God is, how he relates to us, and how we see our self. True theology actually believed is crucial.

Nurturing our inner life is about spending time letting truth sink down deeply into our belief system, especially the knowledge of how cherished we are by God.

How can I let truth permeate my soul? Spend hours over several months in contemplation and meditation on the love of God specifically for YOU, and the goodness and beauty of his character. He is good. He is trustworthy. These truths are core fundamentals, the bedrock on which to build your life in Christ.

The hours I have spent coming to more richly know the love of God has been in 5-10 minute blocks of time, morning by morning, sunrise after sunrise. Then it has been more fully experienced at The Springs retreat. The love of God is the rain that has to pour down on my heart and seep into the ground water of my soul. It’s the ground water my roots find to sustain me during drought. It’s the spring that never fails.

I’ve taken words of God written in Scripture and personalized them as if he spoke them to me. “You are my beloved – on you my favor rests” “I’ve known you before you were born.” Reflecting on them has made me stop and seriously wonder, can these words really be true? Is it possible? Yes. The Father loves me. Passion begins in knowing I am loved, because once I truly know that I am loved, then, I want to love him back.

I want to experience divine love, God’s passion for me.

Every day.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Spread My Love

“Spread your love everywhere you go.” Mother Teresa

“Love for the Lord overflows into passionate living—loving those around me.

Jesus opened himself to receive his Father’s love to the point that he was filled up to overflowing. As he met people who were hungry and thirsty, some physically, most spiritually, he loved them. His love overflowed and embraced everyone he met.

My call is to love as Jesus loved.

Why does this sound like news to me today? Mother Teresa put it well, “Spread your love everywhere you go.”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


"Dedicate your life to a cause greater than yourself, and your life will become a glorious romance and adventure." Mack Douglas

Thirst. Unquenched desire, longings—all of these are an invitation to passion. When we’re hungry and thirsty, that's when we get to the place where we realize that nothing we are doing really satisfies us—we are desiring something more. Something deeper. Something real. And then we are ready to hear Jesus: "Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again." (John 4:14a)

Lord, if this is true, give me this water!

When we come to him thirsty, the Lord Jesus gives us the Spirit of God. He gives us himself. He is the refreshment we desire. He alone quenches our souls’ restlessness and emptiness. He alone satisfies. We are set free. Freed from the ceaseless need to find something that will satisfy. Quenched. Well-watered. No longer obsessively, yet perhaps unknowingly, driven to be loved. When I come to Jesus, his Holy Spirit flows into my life and turns my passion to find something to satisfy my deepest longings into a passion for Himself and a passion for sharing his love and goodness on earth. Life becomes a glorious romance...and adventure.

Passion lived.

Every day.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


“When we experience awe, when we perceive something bigger than ourselves, perhaps a mystery, or wonder, or that “which lies within our reach but beyond our grasp,” we are experiencing God. “ (Abraham Heschel quoted by David Benner in Opening to God, pg. 140)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Beloved, Listen

“You are my beloved. On you my favor rests.”

Jesus heard these words from his Father as he was baptized by John. Treasured words. Is it possible that the Father would say such words to us?

Henri Nouwen thinks so. He writes: “We are the Beloved. We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children and friends loved or wounded us. That’s the truth of our lives. That’s the truth I want you to claim for yourself. That’s the truth spoken by the voice that says, “You are my Beloved.”

“You are my Beloved, on you my favor rests. I have molded you in the depths of the earth and knitted you together in your mother’s womb. I have carved you in the palms of my hands and hidden you in the shadow of my embrace. I look at you with infinite tenderness and care for you with a care more intimate than that of a mother for her child. I have counted every hair on your head and guided you at every step. Wherever you go, I go with you, and wherever you rest, I keep watch. I will give you food that will satisfy all your hunger and drink that will quench all your thirst. I will not hide my face from you. You know me as your own as I know you as my own. You belong to me. I am your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your lover and your spouse…yes, even your child… wherever you are I will be. Nothing will ever separate us. We are one.”

Take just a minute right now. Close your eyes and open your heart to the Lord. Listen attentively to the voice of the Father calling you his Beloved.

Do you notice any movement within your spirit of being drawn? If so, that’s the Lord. If so, it is his Spirit calling your spirit.

Open your heart. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Boundless Love

Watch a sunrise… Ah! The Father really likes me. He’s very fond of me. He is a compassionate God who loves me in my brokenness. When we look to Jesus, we find him looking at us with a gaze of infinite tenderness.

Jesus told a story: Day laborers arrived at various times throughout the day. Some only worked an hour while others had worked hard all day, yet the extravagant farmer paid all of them the same.

God has opened heaven and extended his boundless, extravagant love for all who will come. Come, experience the love of God for you, today, right now, as you are. His love overflows for you.

His love may scandalize all who think that people have to work hard to earn his love. The truth is, his love knows no bounds. We are fully, completely, boundlessly loved by God even if we are broken and arrive at the last hour.

“I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?” (Matthew 20:14-15). God’s generosity is boundless.

Watch the sunrise tomorrow morning. Let the beauty of dawn speak to you of the beauty of God’s boundless love. His love extends to you.

Even if it’s the last hour, it’s not too late to come. 

Monday, September 5, 2011


“OPENNESS TO GOD is simply a response to the hunger that God places in your heart. Any openness to God that you experience is a gift. Don’t try to generate more. Simply ask God to increase your awareness of the depths and extent of your spiritual hunger—the yearning of your spirit for God’s Spirit. God will do the rest...” (Benner, Opening to God, p. 40)


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Registration is open for The Springs Retreat, November 2-4, 2011

If you are thinking about going to The Springs in November, now's the time to sign up. We have 14 spots available. Go to and click on "shop" - to register online.  Or email with questions or scholarship information. 

Luann Budd will be leading Track 2 this fall, focusing on the contemporary use of the Prayer of Examen.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

An Invitation

I dare you, while there is still time, to make the love of God your magnificent obsession.

If we get alone for a few days we’ll notice underlying our more external desires is another layer of inner longings.

We long to feel loved for who we are, not based on what we do but just for being us. We long for a deep sense of well-being that wells up from within and lightens our load. We long to live with zest, energy, passion – so that we feel alive. We long to know our purpose, why we’re on the planet. And we long to make a significant contribution for good with our lives. How can we satisfy these longings?

These longings, all of our longings, can actually be paths that will lead us toward God. He is wooing us. Think of them as an invitation.

Let your longings lead you to Jesus, the Lover of your soul.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.” Matthew 7:7-8

Do you know what your heart longs for? Perhaps what you are looking for is God. After years of restlessness, seeking acclaim from the philosophy department at Harvard, something happened in Thomas Kelly’s life. No one knows what, but somehow the longings within him finally led him to God. He spoke to a group in 1938:

“I want to speak as simply, as tenderly, as clearly as I can. God can be found. There is a last rock for your souls, a resting place of absolute peace and joy and power and radiance and security. There is a Divine Center into which your life can slip, a new and absolute orientation in God, a Center where you live with Him and out of which you see all of life, through new and radiant vision, tinged with new sorrows and pangs, new joys unspeakable and full of glory.”

Jesus invites us to be seekers. Let your longings lead you to go deeper. Seek and you will find. God can be found.

’O God, Thou hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” Augustine  

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Christian Spirituality

“Christian spirituality is summed up in one word: love.”

We are called to be lovers. Not dispassionate, hardworking do-gooders. Not aloof academicians. Lovers.

Love is to be my singular focus, my all-consuming desire, my first thought in the morning, my last reflection in the evening, my prayer throughout the night. Every breath. Every heartbeat. Every thought. Every motive. Every act. LOVE.

Every day.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday prayer

Good Friday is one of those days in history that changed the world. Verses from Isaiah 53 have been on my heart today: "the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him and by His wounds we are healed."

I pray that we will each know the peace that Jesus purchased for us...a deep abiding peace within our inner person that sets us free from any lies we may hear from the Accuser that we are not good enough, or that we are disgusting, or that what we have done is so shameful that the suffering of Christ couldn't redeem it. May each of us know His peace today that was purchased at an incomprehensible price.

Brenning Manning was meditating on the crucifixion of Jesus, and intentionally wanting to know the agony He endured. He was trying to let himself receive the truth of what Jesus did on the Cross. At one point he heard the cry of Jesus' wounds: "This isn't a joke. It is not a laughing matter to me that I have loved you." Brennan said it was then that he realized that no one had ever loved him like that. No one else ever could love him like that.

Jesus paid everything that we might live in peace with God. It was no laughing matter to Him. We continually need to be receiving that gift and opening ourselves to the magnitude of it because it is beyond understanding. As Isaiah says, "By His stripes we are healed" -- not partially healed, but fully healed. Completely set free.

May you receive the love of Jesus today - and experience the inner peace His sacrifice provides. May you know the depths to which you are loved by God.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Psalm 84 was the focus of our Chapel meditations

Click on the photos to enlarge them

How lovely is your dwelling place,
O Lord Almighty!
My soul yearns, even faints,
for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and my flesh cry out
for the living God.

 Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may have her young--
a place near your altar,
O Lord Almighty, my King and my God.
Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
they are ever praising you.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere...
O Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.

Such a Sweet Time

"This retreat was such a sweet time with my Savior. So refreshing and encouraging. So nice to get answers and find some clarity, and be encouraged. I was so excited to come here and get away from all of the noise and distractions and just be loved on by my Abba. I can't wait until I can come back again."
--Springs North participant

"The Springs was an amazing time to be refreshed and renewed....and have the time to spend with God."

"I needed this!  I was able to truly evaluate a lot of guilt and pain I have been going through.  Pain and guilt that has lated my happiness and kept me from moving forward. I realize where all of my bad decisions are coming from. It was very healing."  -- Springs North participant

A Pathway to Heaven

"The Springs Retreat gives us opportunity for lots of solitude and time to be with God -- the schedule has a perfect balance between alone time and time in community with others.  The Lord used this time to help me begin the grieving process for the loss of my son. To feel safe in His loving arms. To feel the loving support of the women here. To banish some thoughts from Satan about the why's of my son's death. I had time to read more and practice silence, solitude and prayer. Just being with God without having it be full of labor."
--Springs North

"How would I describe The Springs for someone?  It is an undescribable walk with the Lord - a pathway to heaven." -- Springs North participant

What a great time we had

Springs North - April 2011
"The Springs is a beautiful place to come rest, be refreshed, retreat with some structure that allows you to have time alone. You don't have to go to workshops. You don't have to go from class to class and be busy-busy. You have freedom to do and be with the Lord at your pace."  - Springs North

Women came from Arizona and California to retreat together

"The Springs is great!  A great time alone to make real progress with God."
"He has met with me here, again!"
He has spoken to me through His Word and my devotional time."
- Springs North

 "I found a different way of journaling; taking the garbge that fills my mind and writing about it. As I write God reveals his perspective and the garbage loses its power over me. I need a journal that is for God and me alone. I have a new vision for quiet time that is focused on being with God rather than focused on Bible education, ministry to others, problems and decisions."  -- Springs North

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Too much fun!

"I thought the idea of a silent retreat was crazy. But oh, how wonderful it is to be with our Father in his beautiful nature, listening and journaling and meditating on His Word." - Springs North

Several of us decided to walk down the road to the river and the waterfall. With 13 feet of snow in the Sierras, the rivers were very full. It was beautiful I walked I pondered what questions I was living. It was a good conversation to have with the Lord.

 I found Gina sitting by the river, journaling.  The falls and the Red Bud trees were lovely.

I also found Lindsay swinging. It is such a joy to experience God's love in such tangible ways.


The trails at St. Anthony's were spectacular

It takes a while to leave behind all of our responsibilities at home and settle into the retreat. Taking a walk, listening to the birds, noticing the wild flowers, helps us to begin to relax and become more intentionally aware that God is with us.
"I enjoyed the outdoors without having to do something other than enjoy His beauty and the blessing of health to walk and hike. That is rest, relaxation, down time for me. He used me to pray for a woman who has suffered a terrible loss -- not with her specificaly, but on my walk during my waterfalls time."
-- Springs North

"He reminded me that He alone is my perfect comfort when I am not comforted by people. The Springs is a time to become acquainted, or reacquainted, with how to hear God through Scriptures and live the spirutal life God created us to live."  -- Springs North

"For those who have never been to The Springs, it is a place to relax and be alone with God, and take in God's beauty.  During our retreat, He helped me to see what needs to be done in my life as well as He encouraged me."  -- Springs North