Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Bodies

“Most of what is called character consists in what our bodies are and are not “at the ready” to do in the specific situations we find ourselves in.” (Dallas Willard)

The proper retraining and nurturing of the body is absolutely essential to Christlikeness.

Willard instructs us that inclination to do what is wrong (temptation) resides primarily in my body. We can act or speak before we think. Our body parts can carry us away (James 3:5-6). Our bodies run our lives: we are almost entirely devoted to how our bodies look, smell, feel, and how I can use my body to be admired.

God created our bodies so that we could live a life devoted to God as we await our glorification and new bodies in the next life.

Body worship, body hatred, fear of what our bodies will do to us before we die are all coming from a perspective that there is no God. God says that our bodies are beautiful, holy, sacred and belong to him. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who indwells us. God created our bodies and gave them to us. Spiritual formation involves not just our hearts but our bodies as well.

Heart * Soul * Mind * Strength


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