Saturday, October 15, 2011

All of Me

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s comands and remain in his love.” (John 15:9-10)

Spiritual formation is foundational to living a Christian life that is pleasing to the Lord and worthy of his sacrifice and calling.

Spiritual transformation requires obedience. It requires intentionality on my part to do what the Lord commands, but it cannot be accomplished by depending on my will alone.

Spiritual transformation requires that I (heart, soul, thoughts, feelings, will) work together with the Holy Spirit in interaction with the grace of God to let God’s love change me in the core of my inner person.

Hungering for righteousness, longing and wishing for my attitudes, motivations, reactions, desires, and focused action to be beautiful and good, even Christ-like, won’t happen automatically while my attention is consumed in other things.

Spiritual transformation requires that I make love the central focus of my life. Jesus says, “Now remain in my love.” (John 15:9) Remain. Stay there. Don’t leave.

Love is the very least and the very most I can do.

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