Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vast, Immeasurable, Boundless, Amazing

"Regardless of what you have come to believe about God based on your life experience, the truth is that when God thinks of you, love swells in his heart and a smile comes to his face. God bursts with love for humans. He is far from being emotionally uninvolved with his creation. God's bias toward us is strong, persistent and positive. The Christian God chooses to be known as Love, and that love pervades every aspect of God's relationship with us."

(Surrender to Love, David Benner)


I read this in Surrender to Love by David Benner:

Imagine God thinking about you. What do you assume God feels when you come to mind?

I decided to journal for a while.

There's a lot of good information about journaling at www.journalkeeping.org

These books are helpful as well:
Journal Keeping -- Writing for Spiritual Growth by Luann Budd
Journaling as a Spiritual Practice -- Encountering God Through Attentive Writing by Helen Cepero

Monday, April 26, 2010

A gorgeous retreat at Three Rivers-photos by LouAnn Christie

After quite a rain storm, the sun came out and what glorious weather we had for our retreat!

Some Photos by LouAnn Christie

Elaine -telling us about the Oasis dvd.
The Cross
Roses and journals
Betsy - our worship leader

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"I'm saving $20/month so I can come again"

I would describe this retreat as a protected time in a quiet place so that we can meet with the Lord. I think the huge blessing of this retreat is that the agenda is to be quiet and there's not the pressure of socializing -- just because that can be a difficult thing to choose between for me (being quiet or socializing). I had a wonderful time.
Lake Godfrey ... along a walk I came upon Lake Godfrey which sad to say reminded me of me. Low (need to fill back up), stagnant (not moving forward) .. no movement. What a vivid word picture the Lord gave to me.

There's nothing like retreating with other women to fill you up with the Lord's love. It was fantastic. I can't wait for November.

What a Wonderful Time we had!

"The Lord used this time to simply remove me - physically, emotionally and spiritually from the "crisis chaos" of my current life circumstances -- and in His perfect timing -- knowing all along this was the EXACT time I needed to be here and to be with the EXACT women who were here.

The Springs, twice a year, is a commitment I've made to the Lord and I will be here each time, unless an unforeseeable situation prevents me from coming. I put it on my calendar--and it is a priority for me -- to spend time with the Lord - here - in this way - with the precious women of NEWIM and the women who join us. My experience at The Springs has made me a better person--grown my FAITH and given me strength, comfort and peace in a way I did not know was possible. I am grateful beyond expression for the opportunity to be here - each and every time. To the NEWIM Springs Team -- ,my eternal and gracious thanks and love!"
This retreat has been an unexpected gift. A gift to be opened, to be used, to be treasured. A time of letting go of the world for 3 days and refreshing my spirit at the river of life -- in the arms of my Father.
"This retreat is a time for sweet worship, time for reflection and meditation and silence and solitude in the presence of the Lord. The environment is beautiful and peaceful with lovely walking paths. It's a time to let go of all the busyness and stresses of everyday life and dwell in the presence of the Lord. It was fabulous!"
"This retreat is an amazing time with the Lord. Come with an open mind, open heart, and no expectations. The Lord will lead you."

"What a blessing! My worship time alone on the hiking trail was so precious -- after I was back in my room I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror -- and was surprised (and amused to be surprised) that I looked the same -- I expected my face to be glowing!"

from Christy Wold

After 30 years of following Christ, I finally understand the difference between belief that God exists and is the way, and experiencing God's presence and love for me. Over three lovely days set aside to be with God I discovered him to be beyond anything I can imagine or capture, and yet he had me put my head on his knee as I sat at his feet and he told me to stop all my questioning and seeking and doing for a moment so he could tell me that he loves me. I was able to see how beautiful it is in the present with my Abba. God did provide grace for each "thing" I had to do so I could live in the present and not worry about the future. I even enjoyed cleaning up and wasn't just hurrying to get to the next thing - how freeing.

Thank you God for Saturn, Sirius, star nurseries, and all your wonders - the wildflowers, clouds, and gentle breeze. I feel like I am still glowing after being in your presence. It is absolutely amazing what you can do when I give you the time. I can't wait for November Springs - what a gift Lord. Thank you......

Chapels focused on Trust from the Psalms

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer
From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I
My soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.
One thing God has spoken,
two things have I heard:
that you, O God, are strong,
and that you, O Lord, are loving.
Surely you will reward each person
according to what he has done.
O God, you are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land
where there is no water.

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.

excerpts from Psalm 61, 62, and 63

A few testimonies from The Springs retreat in April

"The Lord used this time in my life to show me through the sessions, the conversations, the "sistership" that I am not a reject but someone who is loved, valued, and chosen. He also showed me, and taught me about Trust. I learned the truth (about what God wants and desires for my life), how to release (myself, my pain, my expectations, my pride), that it's OK to be uncomfortable and that safety can only be found in the arms of Abba. And finally that the Trinity--Father, Son and Holy Spirit are continuing their work in me."

How did the Lord use The Springs retreat in your life?

The retreat was "awesome, amazing, freeing and healing. The Lord truly met me here and walked with me. This retreat is unlike any other retreat I've been on. This retreat has been one of those life defining times. I don't know that every time will be like this. Yet, I trust that everyone of them will be sweet with His presence."

"I received an opportunity to quiet myself and simply spend time with the Lord. I was able to simply refocus my thoughts and priorities on God alone. He has filled me with His peace and I feel like my relationship with Him has been strengthened. I feel refreshed and ready to go back into the world."

"The Springs is a place to go to meet with the Lord. To get away from all distractions and allow yourself to simply hear God's voice speak to you."

"I really appreciated the practical talk about journaling by Luann and I felt God was just putting His finger on the importance of this practice for me. In fact, I went back through my journal from the last year or so of a really intense growth period and major challenges in my life and realized I barely scribed anything in a year period. So, I feel like the tool of journaling to focus with the Lord is being downloaded to my heart, here. And, the importance of listening in prayer -- not just talking -- and making regular time to listen to His Holy Spirit speaking deep into my heart. What a warm group and a wonderful time to do and be just this -- quiet. That's so hard to find in the daily grind. I'd love to come for longer!"
"The Lord revealed to me that I need to stop filling up my calendar with so much activity and schedule time for silence and solitude -- time to spend with Him. He is working to heal my wounded heart and reveal to me how much He loves me. The worship time was sweet and seemed directed just for me. The silent time allowed me an opportunity to just be in His presence. God met me here in such a sweet, gentle and loving way."

"The Lord loved on me in the most amazing ways. He wooed me into falling into His loving arms. He showed me that I can instill my trust in Him."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our Retreat is finally here!

This week we'll be meeting at St. Anthony's near Three Rivers and at Prince of Peace Abbey in Orange County. We are all really looking forward to having lots of time to be with the Lord and to pursue our relationship with him.

In the North, we'll be using Psalm 61, 62, and 63 to focus our chapels --and spending time reflecting on the Lord's love for us, and our trust in Him.

"To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." Jude 1:1