Tuesday, October 25, 2011


It’s hard to be passionate about anything when I’m on the verge of falling asleep. When I’m tired. I just want to go to sleep. I can’t push through being exhausted. For me, I need to be rested to live passionately. So part of nurturing spiritual passion is being disciplined about getting enough sleep. For me, I need 7-1/2 to 8 hours of sleep.

I can want to be passionate, but if I’m too tired, I get grumpy. I can’t stay awake, I can’t concentrate, I can’t reflect or think deeply or learn. When I try to read when I’m tired, my eyes may scan the words but I have no knowledge of what I read. When I try to pray I fall asleep. So in order to nurture my heart’s desire for the Lord, I need rest.

We may want to stay up late doing something, but that actually works against us. If what is best for us is that we live fully alive, then we need to pay attention to getting enough sleep. That doesn’t sound as spiritual as staying up all night working on something—but it is.


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