"The Lord used this time to simply remove me - physically, emotionally and spiritually from the "crisis chaos" of my current life circumstances -- and in His perfect timing -- knowing all along this was the EXACT time I needed to be here and to be with the EXACT women who were here.
The Springs, twice a year, is a commitment I've made to the Lord and I will be here each time, unless an unforeseeable situation prevents me from coming. I put it on my calendar--and it is a priority for me -- to spend time with the Lord - here - in this way - with the precious women of NEWIM and the women who join us. My experience at The Springs has made me a better person--grown my FAITH and given me strength, comfort and peace in a way I did not know was possible. I am grateful beyond expression for the opportunity to be here - each and every time. To the NEWIM Springs Team -- ,my eternal and gracious thanks and love!"

This retreat has been an unexpected gift. A gift to be opened, to be used, to be treasured. A time of letting go of the world for 3 days and refreshing my spirit at the river of life -- in the arms of my Father.

"This retreat is a time for sweet worship, time for reflection and meditation and silence and solitude in the presence of the Lord. The environment is beautiful and peaceful with lovely walking paths. It's a time to let go of all the busyness and stresses of everyday life and dwell in the presence of the Lord. It was fabulous!"

"This retreat is an amazing time with the Lord. Come with an open mind, open heart, and no expectations. The Lord will lead you."

"What a blessing! My worship time alone on the hiking trail was so precious -- after I was back in my room I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror -- and was surprised (and amused to be surprised) that I looked the same -- I expected my face to be glowing!"
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