Looking back, I can see how the Lord has used my times at the Springs to give me a deeper understanding of His character. I remember the day I went for a walk (after waking from a wonderful nap!), and I was so aware of the beauty of the flowers and the mountains, the joy of hearing the birds singing. At the same time, there were situations going through my mind that were grieving my heart. As I stopped and looked closely at a flower, or looked up at the spectacular mountains, I sensed the Lord's presence in such a special way, and became so aware of His sovereignty. I sensed in my heart that He was saying over and over "I know...." He knows where I'm at. He knew I would be admiring these flowers on this day. He knows the situations that are burdening my heart. In quiet communion with Him, as each thought came through my mind, I sensed Him saying "I know." What a comfort that brought. What a peace that passes understanding!
I finished my walk, got my Bible and journal, and spent the next few hours looking up all the Scriptures that describe what God knows. Powerful. And life-changing. My all-powerful and loving Father God knows every detail of my life, and is with me and working in every situation!
That experience embodies to me the heart and purpose of the Springs. A time set apart, to be refreshed, to receive from Him, to worship, to "soak" in His Word. I know I left there changed, encouraged and strengthened.
I've had afternoons like this as well. I've begun to think that for me, part of what is is meaningful about taking several days to be in the Word and focused on the Lord is that it strengthens my belief. There's something about ordinary life that wears away at my soul. Retreating restores my deep-seated confidence in Him.
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