Twenty-two women gathered at St. Anthony's, 30 miles east of Visalia last week, for a wonderful retreat. The weather was beautiful. the 70s, cold nights and warm days. The Sierras were snow-covered and gorgeous. The grounds spectacular as the fall colors were just beginning to appear.
Thursday morning a flock of wild turkeys joined us! That was pretty fun. Our community quilt was such a rich resource of stories about the faithfulness of God -- story after story was shared of how God taught us to pray from "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayers to the prayers that sustained us through difficult times.
"The faithfulness of God," Elaine shared, "was so evident as I reflected on what the Lord has done in my life in the area of prayer. It all begins and ends with His faithfulness."

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Women came from Pasadena, Bakersfield, Fresno, Oakdale, San Jose to spend time being with the Lord. Scotty joined us from Kentucky! Josie lives in Kiev and was able to join as well. What a great time! I'm looking forward to April 29-May 1, 2009 already!
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