I've been looking for a new Bible for almost a year and I just found one that I really like. It's the New English Translation (NET) available free online if you want to download and print the text yourself -- or you can buy the Reader's Edition for about $50 in genuine leather, with great satellite maps, a very readable font, and companion CD with all kinds of information. There are a few notes at the bottom of each page but not a lot -- I like that for devotional reading. I can go online and get all of the notes (70,000) if I want more information. I also like their mission -- to get the 2 billion people who speak English around the world a free Bible they can download.
On their website
http://www.bible.org/ they have a huge array of bible study resources and the free,
downloadable NET Bible. Scholars are saying that it is the best phrase for phrase translation available today. I'm really enjoying it.
From Bible Study magazine, Nov&Dec 2008:
"the NET Bible was published in 2005...At times it is more accurate than the
NASB, more readable than the
NIV, and more elegant than either. It is clear and eloquent, while maintaining the
meaning of the original. In addition, the notes are a genuine gold mine of
information, unlike those found in any other
translation. The NET aims to be gender-neutral. The NET Bible is the Bible behind the bibles. It's the one that many modern translators use to help them work through the original language and express their
meaning in literate English. I would highly recommend that each English-speaking Christian put this Bible on their shopping list."
Dan Wallace, professor of New Testament Studies and Greek at Dallas Theological Seminary and founder of the Center for Study of New Testament Manuscripts which offers free images of New Testament
manuscripts online at