Tuesday, April 30, 2013

God's Care for Us

The familiar words from Psalm 23 formed the framework for our retreat this spring. Using metaphors from pastoral life, in Psalm 23 David describes God's providential care. He provides rest, refreshment, guidance, protection thru the valleys, and abundance at His banquet table...


As the retreat began, we reflected on God's providential care for us. And shared our stories.

Betsy shared her months of walking through the valley and how God seemed absent, for months, even though she was in His Word and praying. One day as she was walking, God revealed to her how He had been with her, providing real care for her and her family through the many people He surrounded her with during this time.

David concludes: "surely goodness and love will follow us all of the days of our lives and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." As we looked back, we could see God's goodness and how He cared for us.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Wonderful Time at the Retreat

“I just wanted to take a moment before I headed back home to say thank you. I am so grateful for the gift you gave not only me, but my family as well. Have you ever had a full-body massage? Well, I feel as if I’ve had a full-spirit massage. I haven’t felt this peace in years. The Lord had something He really needed me to hear and in the silence I was able to hear it. No, not just hear it, but truly listen. I am not the same woman that so nervously embarked on this seemingly scary experience. You were an integral part of the Lord filling my cup to overflowing. I will be seeing you next year (or in November if God wills it).  THANK YOU!”  With a grateful heart…


Seeking the Lord with Purpose

“How did the Lord use this time? He used it for refreshing, renewal, and re-assurance that His love for me is not based on performance or how well I think I am doing at living a Christ-like life. I want to be intentional to seek the Lord with purpose. If I had to boil what I’m taking home down to one word, it would be: Re-assurance.”  Diana Herman


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Follow Me

“The Lord used this time to do some inner “business.” I especially felt God’s blessing as I meditated on the stations out in the larger yard from the Nativity to Christ’s Ascension.”  Eleanor Hill

“The Springs is a soul-lifting time that is always exactly as God intends it to be. It’s a sweet treat in my busy time-crunched life. Thank you for this time. The Lord gave me rest—much needed rest. He also spoiled me with small blessings – special words, his majesty through nature, quiet times with Him, sweet sleep, and new friends. The main thing I received, was ‘Keep moving – follow Me.’” Chrystal Sturm

Friday, April 26, 2013

Attending to His Voice

“He meets me here everytime, and this time was another one for the record books. The Lord wooed me on my way here (praise and worship in the car), welcomed me with open arms and encouragement (the wonderful team) and guided me to his Word where He laid His character open for me to know Him. How great is our God?!  I want to be intentional about being in constant intimacy with the Lord. It’s only by knowing and being practiced at recognizing His voice, that we can we hear it in our lives.” Rachel Dutcher

Thursday, April 25, 2013


“I already wanted to be more aware of God’s presence after I get up from my quiet time. It’s hard to keep following His direction through the day, but this past year I’ve felt it is essential. I just have a hard time practicing that part of our relationship. Now I have some strategies to help.

This is my third time and it’s taken me this long to relax and receive.

What I’m taking home:

When I’m in chaos, the first thing I want to do, when possible, is to get out of sight, raise my hands in surrender to God, and ask for His direction. Ask for Him to wash over me with His love, and to rain down His grace. If not possible, I will surrender quietly an ask quietly for His love, and grace.

I’d like to make my own memory stones, and store them in an open container and use them when I have a “Where is God?” moment. 

I want to keep a running list of promises from my quiet time.”  Jan Swing


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Remembering Who He is

“If I had to boil everything down to one main insight, it would be that I want to remember who He is.”  Sarah Long

Monday, April 22, 2013

Practicing the Presence of God

“It’s funny how we come to The Springs with our own idea of what the Lord has planned for us to focus on and when we get here we find out it is something completely different.  The Lord sent me a clear message of His plan for me and although His plan is nowhere close to what I came here thinking, He also gave me a deep excitement about getting to work on the plan! The main insight I will take home is to “…Practice the Presence of God…” and the thing I will be intentional to do as a result of what the Lord did in my life here is to …Practice the Presence of God…”  Fran Thompson


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Serving and Ministry flows out of our "Being" with Him

“The Lord used this time to slow me down, to bring comfort and to be comforted by His love, and to remind me that I am His beloved. The main insight I am taking home is simply “to be” and allow the doing to come out this “being.” I will start journaling again – doesn’t have to have rules…it is just a process the Lord uses to teach me and reveal Himself to me. 

What a gift! Thank you for providing a place, time, and leading me through this time to get away with the One who calls me, Beloved.”  Becky Austin

Saturday, April 20, 2013

He is my Daily Bread

“God simplified my purpose. With all the ministries I’m juggling plus the responsibilities of home and family, I’ve made things so complicated. I’d somehow gotten the idea that I needed the perfect plan. I’d driven myself crazy with schedules and outlines written weeks and months out. In our time together He reminded me He is my daily bread. I can’t store Him up and go about my business and be okay. I was designed for daily renewal that can only come from Him. I know Him as my peace and my Provider only when I come to Him with my needs.

I want to remember that I’m not “bothering” the Lord with my problems, that He wants me to come to Him. My thorn may even be given by Him to keep me relying on Him and not myself.” Sarah Johnson


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


This is one of the highlights of my year – it is already on my 2013 calendar! (Sue Sabaloni)

I am always refreshed and restored. It has been a gift of God to attend. (Rosalie Campbell)

“I am walking closer with God and I’m stronger in my relationship with Him because of The Springs.” (Jan Fayle, Love INC., Executive Assistant, Evangelicals for Social Action, Valley Christian Center, Fresno)

“I love, love, love this place.” (Laura Todoroff, Physician, North Coast Calvary, Carlsbad)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"I love coming here!"

I love coming here. I enjoy all the leaders so much and their resources help me to get the most out of this retreat. I find this time is so sacred and refreshing to my soul. It is just wonderful! Thank you again for having me here! It is precious to me and helps me reconnect with my Lord and Savior so I can be a better wife and doctor and friend. Thank you! Don’t change anything!” (Laura Todoroff, Physician, North Coast Calvary, Carlsbad)

“Opened my mind to realizing I have a “heavenly Father” to experience just as I experienced my loving, earthly father.” (Patty Sue)

“To slow me down and turn down the roar of the world! To commune with me and remind me of how to come into His presence and quietly wait for Him. The Lord answered all my questions, calmed my fears and blessed me greatly with Scriptures and a love letter.” (Bobbie Roath, Living Hope Christian Fellowship, Oakdale)

“I was able to empty myself of a lot of baggage and draw closer to God”

Monday, April 8, 2013

What was The Springs like for you?

“It was a beautiful time of focusing on my relationship with God. I loved my walk with God and our conversation. I like the bells calling us to chapel and the feeling of a monastery. It felt reverent and holy. The music touched me so much. Old and familiar songs brought me to tears. God cleansed my soul. He refreshed my spirit. He renewed my resolve to serve Him in every area of my life.” (Tracy Millward, First Baptist Church, Mesa, AZ)

“Many ways…First, I feel closer and more filled with Him. He pampered me with His presence. He gave me some insights from my reading about the Levites in Deuteronomy about my calling and the ministry of Love Inc.  I came asking the question, “What is more important, hearing from God or what we hear from God.”  The answer is different for different people, but at this time, quality time, is most important for me. Just knowing that I am with Him, is where I find my security and direction.” (Jan Fayle, Love INC., Executive Assistant, Evangelicals for Social Action, Valley Christian Center, Fresno)

“I just desperately needed rest. I needed time to decompress and to let my mind relax. The full day of silence, prayer, and meditation was just what I needed. There were no great revelations, just a day of peace and the presence of God. You all did a wonderful job of preparing us and leading us through. Superb!” (Louann Roberts, Correctional Facility Chaplin, Grace Baptist Church, San Jose).

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How did the Lord use this time?

“He helped me to see that I can do things alone that He will guide and comfort me.”

“Helping me through a time in my life right now. I feel a little better, but I know I have God to help me through it.” (Sarah Long)

“It gave me time to reflect on myself and where I am with the Lord. I enjoyed the journaling tips. It really opened up doors for me to search out God and what direction He would like me to go. I enjoyed the Stations of the Cross. It gave me time to really reflect on Christ and His sacrifice for me!” (Clivia Wolff)

“I was fascinated with how God put me with others who are on similar journeys with the Lord.  He confirmed truths I have been wrestling with and refreshed my soul.” (Janis Walton, Pastor’s Wife, Belevue Community Church)

“To emphasize how much He loves me. To give me insights on a writing project. To “examen” – some of the past. I loved the helpful booklets, “Set your Hearts on Things Above” and “I am with you always.” Colossians was a wonderful choice to focus on at this retreat. So rich. It has fed my mind, heart, and soul. Now – it’s time for application to my life! (Rosalie Campbell, Prison Outreach, Cornerstone Community Church, Canyon Lake)


Saturday, April 6, 2013

How did the Lord use this time in your life?

We asked women to tell us: How did the Lord use this time in your life? This is what they said:

“He gave me the gift of rest. Although I did not have a “spiritual breakthrough” I did have time in the Word, time to decompress, time to take a break from the demands of “real life.” It was just what I needed.” (Susan Booker, Dir of Women’s Ministry, Evangelical Free Church, Huntington Beach)

“I was able to hand over certain problems or areas of my life and see the need to let it go and give all of it to the Lord. Praise Him. I hope to be able to attend again and bring someone with me.” (Jane Seyler, Friendship Church, Palm Desert)


Friday, April 5, 2013

What is The Springs like?

We asked women who joined us in November to describe The Springs to someone who has never been. This is what they wrote:
“Know how you keep wishing you could have a whole day with the Lord, uninterrupted? This is it!” (Louann Roberts, Correctional Facility Chaplin, Grace Baptist Church, San Jose).
“A wonderful time to be completely alone with the Lord.”
“It’s a wonderful quiet place to spend time with the Lord and if you don’t know how to do that, they offer great tips.”
“A time to commune with God, search your spirit and refresh your soul.” (Janis Walton, Pastor’s Wife, Belevue Community Church)
“The kind of retreat you long for; time alone with God and away from the hustle and bustle of life.” (Tracy Millward, First Baptist Church, Mesa, AZ)
“Focused time with Jesus. Excellent guidance and freedom. Yes – a spa for my spirit.” (Jan Fayle, Love INC., Executive Assistant, Evangelicals for Social Action, Valley Christian Center, Fresno)
“A time of refreshment, a time to be alone with God, to be in the presence of God. An individual retreat but in a group of amazing women to help facilitate you on your journey.” (Laura Todoroff, Physician, North Coast Calvary, Carlsbad)
“A time of reflection, clarity of thought, peaceful.”  (Patty Sue Beadle)
“A great opportunity to draw closer to God. The silent time helps separate busy lives from the craziness for a short time. A good reminder for all of us to make an effort to have quiet time often.” (Maureen Palmer)
“A beautiful time away with the Lord. A great time of rest, refreshing and blessing.” (Bobbie Roath, Living Hope Christian Fellowship, Oakdale)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

What was your experience at the Retreat?

At the end of the retreat we asked the women to share with us their experience while at The Springs. Sue Sabaloni, the Womens Ministries Director at Calvary Bible Church in Bakersfield brought 7 women from her church with her. Sue writes: “As He always does here, He again gave me a time to “retreat” and just delight in the goodness of God.  This year He gave me the stories written by Elaine which were wonderful.  And being able to bring 7 new ladies and see what it meant to them was “over the top.” One of the sweetest parts of this retreat is you 5 women! You treat each one of us so very special and with a tenderness that truly shows the love of Jesus.  Each one of you on the team, in your own way, make the ladies feel very loved – thank you that I know when I bring my ladies here, I know that they will be touched with kindness, grace and mercy.”    (Sue Sabaloni, Womens Ministries Director, Calvary Bible Church, Bakersfield)                                         

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What is The Springs retreat like?

The Springs is a wonderful time to draw closer to God.” (Jane Seyler, Friendship Church, Palm Desert)

“Rest, reflection, restoration. A time to bask in His gentle love and acceptance.  I was particularly struck by the power of the Word when the team recited Colossians as a chorus. The words came alive.” (Deanna Harder, Worship Leader, First Baptist Church of Mesa, AZ)

“The Lord renewed my spirit. I have been in a dry desert for the last 18 months and He used this time to fill me up, love on me, encourage me, and give me peace. Even when an emergency came through, He comforted my heart and filled me. I finally feel like I can serve again. He reminded me that I am precious and loved.  Colossians was perfect and just for me!” (Pam Goudge, Sovereign Grace, Bakersfield)


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Create your own Personal Retreat

“This is a precious and intentional time to be renewed and refreshed. Even if you are a woman who lives alone or spends a lot of time alone, this is different. And if you live in the normal “blur” of life, these few days are a delight to the soul and a time with the Lord that is rare. This retreat is designed for you, whoever “you” are because you are free to do with it as you please and make it your own “personal retreat.” (Sue Sabaloni, Womens Ministries Director, Calvary Bible Church, Bakersfield)