Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Soul Care

"Allowing service for Christ to steal our devotion to him is a radical failure in personal soul care. But it is one from which the practice of communing with Christ in times of solitude and silence can deliver us."

How many times have we gotten to the place where we are absolutely empty, poured out, exhausted...and how many times have we found that the rest and refreshment of a three day spiritual retreat, where we have a private room and time to take a nap, walk in a natural setting, read our Bibles, and simply be silent and alone with the Lord has completely restored us?

Silence, Solitude, and Time are essential to our soul care.

Friday, December 16, 2011

What did the Lord show me during our Retreat?

The Lord shared his love with me and let me know that He is here for me. And I learned that the Lord's love is unconditional and He has always been my Father watching over me.
"The Springs retreat is held in such a beautiful place where you can spend time knowing and worshipping the Lord." 
- November 2011 retreatant

"The Lord blessed this time for me in too many ways to say. I felt loved by Him in everything here - from the thoughtfulness of the team putting all of the details together - in small things -- to the beautiful promises with my name put in there personally - it was so sweet.

"I found the chapels so beautiful and driven by the Holy Spirit. I loved the freedom I felt in Track 3 - and when I took some of that freedom, I never felt pressured by anyone to do anythingin particular, which is so important to me, here.

"I appreciated the "silent" table too...God took me on a journey I'm not soon to forget and I thank Him for that! Thank you for allowing me to come!  Thank you!"  - Laura T.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Why did you come to the Springs?

"I came to the Springs retreat in 2009 for my first retreat and took home many tools to use in my life for the next year. God knew I would need them for that year. My sister moved out and I suddenly became a full-time caregiver for my husband. His Alzheimer's progressed. I had tools to work with so that I could "live in God's love."

My husband is with Jesus now and I need to find myself again, and see where God will lead my life. Thank you, Jesus.

--Patty Sue, November 2011 retreatant

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not what I expected!

"I have felt like a wanderer, not excited with where I am headed. I was very frustrated with the Lord and wasn't sure how this retreat would go... I held on to verses that I have memorized and thought of his love for me in a different perspective. Romans 5 was something I stumbled upon which was helpful. I now am questioning more than ever what my purpose is... I might go back to school and I may look into ministry as I felt a tug on my heart. Overall, this retreat calmed my heart but showed me that I need to get down on my knees a lot more and be still and listen for what the Lord wants me to hear. NONE OF THIS WAS WHAT I EXPECTED (in true God fashion)!"
