Monday, November 28, 2011

The Springs Retreat

"The Springs was used by the Lord to give me time to dig into the dark places in my life, cleaning out the junk and lies, replacing them with who God says I am. It was a time of peace and no agenda. I just wanted what God wanted for me. I was refreshed and energized to go home and handle circumstances in a whole new way. I saw visably that God cared about my desires. He met me in the low dry valley and he met me on the mountain top. He used this time to tell me He loves me no matter what."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Describe The Springs for someone who has never been

"The Springs is a time to detox from the demands and pace of life. Newim provides a perfect blend of supplements, discussion, teaching and quiet time to help the beginner, as well as seasoned followers of Jesus, to maximize their time to hear and share with our Lord and Savior through the discipline of solitude."  -- Pam Carr, Director of Womens Ministries

"A very peaceful time with God, enjoying His creation." --Dana S.

"A desperately needed time set in my busy life to go away with the Lord. A transformational experience every single time, but never what I anticipate or expect! A chance to fully experience alone time with the perfect love of Jesus Christ." -- Ashley Budd

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Principles of Devotion

Know deeply that I am whole in God’s eyes – beloved. He values and loves me. Because I am so loved and completely forgiven, I can love and forgive others.

Know yourself – your strengths and their accompanying weaknesses. Know how you promote and defend yourself.

Surrender to the love of God and entrust yourself to his loving intentions. Consent to his supremacy in all things. Be willing for God to be your Father.

Release control of your time, tendencies, inclinations, motivations, desires, goals, finances to the Lord. Be aware of what you might be holding back.

Find contentment in trusting in the goodness of the will of God, assured he has done and always will do well by us.

Fully participate, using your intelligence and energy to accomplish God’s will in the world.

Present your body to God—release each part to Him, ask him to take charge of your body, fill it, use it for his purposes. Use fasting as a strategy to help you know that the Lord is the Provider of nourishment for both your body and your soul. You are in charge of your body.

Stop idolizing your body. Care for it as it serves God and don’t worry or fear what will happen to it or what it will do to you. Entrust it to God.

Don’t misuse your body – not as a source of sensual gratification outside God’s will or to manipulate others by how you dress, or the things you say, or by using your words to exclude others.

Properly honor and care for your body—it is holy, set apart to God. Eat well and exercise. Enter into contrary practices like Sabbath resting and fasting to break the force of a habit that you don’t seem to be able to resist. When you feel tempted, turn your attention to deeply receiving the truth of God’s love for you. Rest. Sleep well.

Be in a community of trusted friends that are willing to open their inner lives. Be as honest as you can be about who you are.

Reflect on God’s Word each day.

Have a daily time to reflect on what the Spirit is doing in your heart and life. To do this, you might journal reflectively about: What insight did you receive today? What are you most grateful for? What do you want to hold on to? What do you want to release?

Take the opportunity to go on a spiritual retreat where you have the luxury of several days focused on being with God.


Friday, November 18, 2011

What I learned at the Springs this year

"At the first chapel, I nailed down some hurts I needed to give to Jesus and I did! Thanks Christy!"

"The Lord used this time in my life to refresh and renew my spirit. It was a delight once again to see each of you - you make a dynamite team! I continued on my learning curve of solitude and silence -- it's getting a little easier. Luann has helped me a lot with that through conversations we've had and the awesome papers she has written on it that are available on the Resource Table. I'm trying to free myself of rules and expectations - it's coming!

"Thanks to each of you for all the work you sink into this very worthwhile project! Two resources that really meant a lot to me this year were "Hearts Unfold like Flowers Before Thee" and the 2 pages of God's promises from Scripture - that was amazing."

-- Sue, Nov 2011 retreatant


He Will Answer

Psalm 86:7 “In the day of my trouble I will call to You, for You will answer me.”
The truths of this verse are so precious to me. In times of trouble, or times of need, maybe times of loneliness, or fear about the future, it feels like He’s used this verse to teach me something…
He doesn’t always answer our questions, but He always answers our cry.

Sometimes His answer is “I am with you.”
Sometimes it’s “Be still and know that I am God.”
Or maybe it’s “Do not fear.”
But what has overwhelmed me lately is that His answer is always, “I love you.”
Regardless of my circumstances, or emotions, or thoughts, or needs, He loves me. That never ever changes.
I wonder how many times the Lord answers my cry, but I don’t hear? Because I’m looking for a different kind of answer. I often want an answer that will speak to my situation, yet He longs to speak to my heart. I usually want an answer that will cause me to know how things are going to work out, but He wants me to simply know more of Who He is, and that He is in control.

Psalm 86:7 “In the day of my trouble I will call to You, for You will answer me.”
Thank You, Lord, that Your answer is always, “I love you.”

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Describe your retreat for us --

"The Lord has taken me into the quiet place and away from all the distractions to just love on me. I was not aware I needed this so much. He took my eyes off myself and as a result, I saw him everywhere.

"Thank you for your many hours of preparation and organization. It is evident much prayer went into this retreat."  -- Leone Krohn


Sunday, November 13, 2011

How did the Lord use the Retreat in my life?

The Lord brought a long-hoped-for transformation to fruition.
He led me to find some answers to troubling questions and resolution.
He showed me his unconditional love and helped me pass it on.
He showed me His amazing creation through women and nature.
He made my heart sing through song.

Thank you Lord!  Thank you the Springs!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thank you for the Scholarship!

"I am so deeply grateful for the scholarship. I wouldn't have been able to come without it. And the Lord has really used the women in my small group and the time here to put me on the path of freedom."
--Sarah Schmidt, November retreatant


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How did the Lord use The Springs Retreat in my life?

The Lord allowed me to see how He had been at work in our family's life bringing us together and knitting our hearts to each other.

He showed me that I have a proud heart and need to be a broken Christian...that this brokenness is an admission of need and dependence on the Lord...a pulverization of my self-will.

He showed me that I still feel overwhelmed and trapped by my own expectations.

He showed me that all I am required to do is to love God and love people and let go of everything else.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

He Chose Me

By Kim Bagato

On my first retreat at The Springs, I sensed great peace as I settled in. I’d contemplated what it would be like to spend time at a Catholic retreat center. The family I grew up in did not attend church every Sunday. We didn’t even go on Christmas or Easter. Therefore, my religious training was scant.
I had a lot to learn when introduced to Jesus in the early 1980s as a young adult. I still discover gaps in my understanding of religious traditions. The Stations of the Cross is one of those areas I didn’t know much about.

The first night of The Springs retreat we gathered in the chapel. My eyes were drawn to Jesus on the cross. I believe it was the first time I saw his humanness—He was a man. Jesus is God, but I saw him that night as human. It struck me how sad and hard and unnatural it looked to see him hanging there so vulnerable and in need of care. Memories appeared in my mind’s eye of my husband, son, dad, grandpa and friends I’d seen in hospitals, in pain, near death. Men—strong healthy men—injured, ill, vulnerable. They are the ones I lean on and look to and seeing them incapacitated is difficult for me.
Christ on the cross was a startling reminder of the pain he endured and the humility and abuse he met from men he could have overpowered.

He chose not to.
For me.

The following afternoon, I walked the path through the Stations of the Cross. I’d never done this before. Each pure white statue depicted a scene of Christ’s journey from trial to crucifixion and each seemed to emanate an historic peace. This bothered me. I’d read the gospel accounts, and my memory recalled the brutality of this course of events. These colorless sculptures left me with questions so I returned to the quietness of my room to study the scriptures and gain a better understanding of Christ’s final hours.

I did some research and discovered the titles and themes of each of the 14 Stations of the Cross and learned some background. I delved into my Bible searching for truth. (See Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 and John 19.)

I found it.

Quickly I realized that type of punishment couldn’t be fully reflected in cream-colored carvings. I’m uncertain if I’ll ever fully understand His horrendous yet supernatural sacrifice. That is not a pretty, holy, serene looking Jesus. He endured more than most of us will in a lifetime.
Deeply humbled and nearly in a state of shock, I allowed the gravity of that tragic injustice to soak deep. The profound truth of Christ’s unwavering expression of faithfulness, love and obedience to the Father’s will silenced my mind and granted me peace as I prayed:
Oh, God I don’t ever want to discount or squander your sacrifice and the unimaginable cost you paid to save my soul. It’s so valuable and heavy I can barely carry it.

© Kim Bagato 2011

How did the Lord use The Springs Retreat in my life?

I came here to be refreshed - I received it.
I came here to hear from God - I heard Him.
I came here to worship and praise Him - I did that.
I came here for a greater intimacy with God - I got it.
I came here for direction - I got it.
I came here to fellowship with other believers - it happened.
I came to learn - I learned new things.
I came to relax - I relaxed.
I came to get away with Jesus - I did.


Monday, November 7, 2011

How did this Lord Use The Springs retrteat?

"I love my time here. Just being quiet and enjoying the silence. For me, this is not something I can replicate at home. I have small children so the reality is that if I want a full day of quiet focused on God, it has to be away from home.

"This retreat I really concentrated on studying a book on learning how to crave God. We are made to crave but I've been filling my cravings with things and food and drink and fueling self-hate. I've been sluggish and down. I'm going to replace those habits with God. Give me more God! I'm created to crave Him. By his grace I'll find freedomfromthe vices that consume my thoughts and my heart. Give me more God! His grace issufficient for me."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What are your taking home from your retreat?

"During this retreat, the Lord caused me to stop and listen and record what He wanted me to know at this point in time about family circumstances, ministry circumstances and primarily about my need for Him to fill me daily with His love."

"The Springs is a way to come close to the Lord in quiet solitude."

How did the Lord use this Retreat?

"He answered my cries. He satisfied my spoken needs before the retreat even started. He used the rest of the time to clarify confusions I've been struggling with for a while. He even opened up a new path for my future and gave me a new guide. Amen!"

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Soul Rest

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. Psalm 23

It’s stressing over outcomes that makes me nuts. This is not the spiritual life. The spiritual life involves surrendering all outcomes to Jesus, drawing close, listening to his Spirit to follow his leading, and doing my best but not with a compulsive, obsessed, “driven to prove myself” mentality.

This is quite a challenge when you are being held accountable for results and you really can fail, lose funding, lose your job.

“The Lord is my shepherd.” He is the one who provides. He is the one who makes me lie down and rest secure. He is the one who nourishes and refreshes and leads the way. He is the one who restores my soul. He is the one who guards me from evil and takes away all my fear because I know he is right there beside me, able to protect me. He is the one who vindicates me in the presence of my enemies and honors me and blesses me. “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all of the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Soul rest is possible because I learn from Scripture that the criteria for success in Jesus’ kingdom is not the outcome I’m striving for. That’s the world’s measure. Success in God’s kingdom is defined by God and is based on our love for him and others, our dependence and humility before him, our fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. When we live in the kingdom of God we can lighten up, have fun doing our best, because we have been set free from having to prove our worth by producing results. God wants our hearts and he’ll produce success according to his measure. He may even have us fail in order to form our character in the crucible of suffering and difficulties. So rest.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spiritual Gluttony

Rest rekindles the fire.

There is such a thing as “spiritual gluttony” – when we compulsively want more and more spiritually. The compulsion to do more ministry, glean more insight, meet with more people, pray longer, give more, sleep less. Passion that morphs into an obsession can ruin us.

On a regular basis, we need to stop and take a true Sabbath’s rest. If we don’t, we can become spiritual gluttons. Passion everyday can squelch our passion. Lay down everything you are doing and stop all of your mental activity and truly rest.

Rest rekindles the fire.