Do you know what your heart longs for? Perhaps what you are looking for is God. After years of restlessness, seeking acclaim from the philosophy department at Harvard, something happened in Thomas Kelly’s life. No one knows what, but somehow the longings within him finally led him to God. He spoke to a group in 1938:
“I want to speak as simply, as tenderly, as clearly as I can. God can be found. There is a last rock for your souls, a resting place of absolute peace and joy and power and radiance and security. There is a Divine Center into which your life can slip, a new and absolute orientation in God, a Center where you live with Him and out of which you see all of life, through new and radiant vision, tinged with new sorrows and pangs, new joys unspeakable and full of glory.”
Jesus invites us to be seekers. Let your longings lead you to go deeper. Seek and you will find. God can be found.
’O God, Thou hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” Augustine