Saturday, December 4, 2010

What if I hadn't said yes?

Thinking back on that struggle I had about going to the Springs last April. Trying to tell Luann no, then reconsidering. What if I hadn’t said yes then? In those days at that Springs, I saw the birth of a beautiful sacred companionship on my spiritual journey. That time began the process of bringing out into the light things that had been in darkness. My feet were literally set on a new path to freedom and a deepening intimacy with the Lord.

What if I hadn’t said yes?

I’m seeing right now that every yes opens a door, every yes is a new opportunity, every yes is a step forward on the path the Lord has planned. I think I’ve tended to see them as isolated experiences, but now I’m understanding that in reality, they are stepping stones, one yes leading to the next opportunity.

My part is to say yes, to offer everything back to Him, and to follow His direction.

So what does this mean in practical application? I think it’s mainly a heart attitude. Ready, willing, available. And an ongoing attentiveness to His voice, to His Spirit. A heart set on practicing the presence of God, being in tune with His heart. Because if I’m living like that, I will know His faithfulness in guiding my every step.
--sent to Luann by a person at The Springs