Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What a great time we had!

Over 20 women got together for a contemplative retreat - like Karen said, "this is not a "slumber party" type of women's retreat...This retreat is designed for you to be alone with the Lord." 
In the postings below are some of the comments you shared, and photos from our time together.

Thank you for coming and sharing your hearts with us!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Silence isn't as scary as it first seems

The Springs Retreat is a time of solitude, a personal retreat to reconnect with God who is our best friend and the lover of our souls!  It is so much easier than I thought.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Coming out of the Desert

"How did the Lord use this time in my life...Oh my!  How didn't he use this time!  I have been in a desert for a long time. I have been feeling abandoned and while many say they are my friends, I felt like I had lost my two friends that I know are my friends. I have had 4 close friends move away in less than a year. The Lord reminded me not just that I am loved but that He is my friend -- all others must come out of my relationship with Him.  I learned how wrong I have been and also I am seeing answers to struggles and choices regarding ministry and family. He showed me that I need to serve my family more than pleasing others."

Word-less prayers

David Benner writes: "Only prayer can order a disordered inner life. While this may seem overly simplistic and possibly overly spiritual, it is absolutely true.

"Prayer sorts out our desires. Notice that I did not say that in prayer we are able to sort out our desires. No. The sorting work is God's, not ours. Our job is to sit in God's presence and allow God to purify our desires. If this does not seem practical enough, you have not spent enough time sitting in silence in God's presence. Words may be coming between you and God.

"Silence in the presence of God belongs to the core of prayer. It deepens our awareness of both ourselves and God. For it is in the stillness of silent prayer that we learn what our own desires most truly are. It is here that God reveals us to ourselves. "Examine me and know my heart, probe me and know my thoughts" (Psalm 139:23) is not, as it appears, a request that God would know me but that God would show that known self to me. And where God does this most dependably is in silent prayer where we center ourselves in God."  (Desiring God's Will, Benner, p. 87)


Longings of the Soul

From the thirteenth century Mechtchild of Magdeburg:

The soul speaks:
"God, you are my lover,
     My longing,
     My flowing stream,
     My sun,
     And I am your reflection."

God answers:
     "It is my nature that makes me love you often,
     For I am love itself.
     It is my longing that makes me love you intensely,
     For I yearn to be loved from the heart.
     It is my eternity that makes me love you long,
     For I have no end."


Surrender to His Love

I've learned that openness to the Lord is our response to the longing that God places in our hearts. It is His gift to us. We come asking God to increase our awareness of Him.  We let the truth of His love be our meditation. "See how great a love the Father has lavished on us...."

Our prayer becomes a prayer of communion and attentiveness to the Lord...often we don't need words...we just enjoy being together with Him, in love, in response to His love.
The statues on the grounds can bring new life to familiar passages of Scripture. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a beautiful example, "Be it done to me according to Thy Will." And at the end of the gospels, we read of her standing at the foot of her Son's Cross, undoubtedly brokenhearted.

Surrender can lead us through the valley of can lead us to places we would rather not go...even Jesus prayed: "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."
When the love of the Father and the Son is our deepest longing, we are set free to experience God in the midst of our surrender to what He brings into our lives. We know there is a good purpose. We know He understands. We are not alone -- He is with us...even when we are confused and hurting. We can experience God in our grief and suffering if we open ourselves to Him.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


At The Springs, the Lord led me to release to Him all of the obligations and expectations of others that rule my life. He freed me from those! And he replaced those things/voices with His words of truth and love. He showed me how much He delights in me and gave me a beautiful image to hold onto of what it means to be His daughter. He helped me to begin my own "Dreams of a Lifetime" page. He filled me with peace and hope for the future."


Meditations and Stretching

Christy thought she'd lead us in something new!  She put together a wonderful set of worship music that helped us meditate on Ephesian 3 while we stretched out our muscles.  It was a very powerful experience to be focused on the Lord and His Word while we stretched.


How did the Lord use The Springs retreat in your life?

The Lord affirmed what he's been teaching me this year: that he is faithful, trustworthy and love in all his ways. I am precious, because I belong to him. He chose me! I am free to be who he is making me become.  I do not have to be afraid of the unknown and unfamiliar."


God can be trusted because He is good and He loves us!

From Psalm 84: "How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!
   My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord;
   my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.

Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.
Blessed are those who strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere;

 We come away and enjoy reading His Word and letting it touch our innermost places.

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6) 

I loved contemplating these words of Jesus as I listened to the birds singing in the trees. I watched them feast on the berries, singing to their hearts' delight for a long time. "Look at the birds of the air..." The Lord used these words of Jesus and the birds to deepen my confidence in the trustworthiness of His care for me.


Refreshed in the arms of Jesus

"The Lord used The Springs retreat to refresh and heal my soul and wrap me in the arms of Jesus."

"Of course, I had my plan and brought lots of books and materials, but He had His perfect plan for me--  After I spent a while on my own plan and a brief nap, He sent me outside to view His creation. I walked on the grounds for several hours and sat and visited with Him while the warm sun shone upon me, but best of all--there was a gentle, cool breeze that gently touched my face and it was as if the Savior Himself was gently caressing my cheeks. What a gift! He shows me daily how much He loves me, but it take me slowing down and waiting on Him!  Thank you for this special time with the Lord!"
