Monday, October 22, 2012

Practicing the Presence of Christ

When Christ saves us, we are immediately God’s. We do not have to wait for eternity to be his friend, his child, his purpose-filled worker. Every moment we live is lived in his presence. His Spirit lives in us, walks with us, and connects us to God every moment we let him. We do not have to work for this. We do not have to be good enough. We do not have to say certain things or do elaborate things to be led and loved by God.

God's love is a free gift – grace. We can always have joy, peace, kindness, love, patience, self-control, gentleness, faithfulness. So….why do we sometimes feel distant from God, why do we sin, why do we doubt, why are we stressed and fearful, why do we waste so much time on selfish things? I think it is because we don’t pay attention to God. We ignore his Spirit. We say yes to ourselves and no to Jesus. We get busy, we forget the important stuff, we drift.
I want to pay attention to God a lot more. I want to embrace his Spirit every moment. I want to say no to myself daily so that I can say yes to Jesus and the journey he has for me. 
shared by Christy

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