Sunday, September 5, 2010

Respond to the Invitation of God

Its seems that we all long for a deep, personal encounter with Perfect Love. Talking about it is easy. Actually coming to develop this kind of a relationship with the invisible God doesn't happen automatically for anyone. It demands sufficient basking in His Presence so that being deeply loved becomes the foundation of our identity in Christ.
Photo by Luann - Hume Lake, August 2010

Come with other evangelical Christian women who serve as leaders in a wide variety of ministries to a retreat specifically designed to lead us into the Presence of God where we can bask in His Love. At The Springs retreat our focus will be to experientially come to know the Love of God for us in a deeply transformational way.

If you sense a deep desire within to come, but then "What Ifs?" and fears take over, capture your worries and concerns in an email and send it to Luann or Marty. or We'd be glad to discuss them with you. But if as you are reading this, you recognize that your spirit is responding to the call of God's Spirit to lay aside all of your external work for a few days so that your heart can fall more deeply in love with Jesus, don't wait. Come.

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