Friday, July 3, 2009


The goal of the spiritual journey is the transformation of self which requires knowing both our self and God -- if we are to discover our identity in Christ we must know both.

I would think that it would be much harder to know God than to know ourselves. But since the fall, we have become masters at hiding. We tend to create a public, idealized self that we disclose to others. Deep down inside, we believe that our value depends on what we have, what we can do, and what others think of us. It's not so much that we tell lies about who we are...we live the lies.

The only way to unmask the lie is a radical encounter with the truth.

Experiencing the love of God gives us the courage to peak behind the curtain and see our true self. Spending time at The Springs focused on experientially knowing God's love for us, leads us to confession and transformation.

As John Calvin wrote: "There is no deep knowing of God without a deep knowing of self, and no deep knowing of self with a deep knowing of God." This deep knowing can occur at The Springs.

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