Sunday, August 3, 2008


"I will follow you, but first let me go..." Lk 9:59, 61

I've always read this passage and been focused on why Jesus would have a problem with someone wanting to bury his father or taking the time to say good-by to his family. This morning what stood out to me was "First let me go..." Don't we always have something that we want to do first? Jesus, I'll follow, but first I need to send an email, clean the house, finish school, raise my kids. We can go through our life thinking we are following Jesus, writing books about following Jesus...but never actually following Him because there's always something that we need to do just now...then we'll follow.

Following Christ. Being on a Mission. Living with Passion -- all begin now. There's an urgency that can't be put off. First let me follow -- then everything else will be taken care of.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Ah ha... I have always thought it was kind of hard hearted in this passage to not let someone just say goodbye or take care of family but I think I get it now, thanks!