Saturday, February 12, 2011

Psalm 63

"O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek you."

I wish I could pray this with authenticity. If I am honest, my prayer would have to be "O God, You are my God, distractedly I seek you."

It's funny how we can be serving others and preparing to teach a Bible study, and not really feel like we are seeking God.

David continues, "My soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you."

I can pray these verses. I know that it is only in a deeply experienced friendship with the Lord that I will find what my soul longs for.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How would you describe The Springs?

We asked the women who came to The Springs in November how they would descirbe the retreat. Here's what they said:

"It is a time of rest and refreshment for body, mind and soul. It simply focuses on Christ and allows time for meditating on who He is and who we are in Him."  -- Kim Bagato

"A time to refocus and center. An opportunity to HEAR God. Refreshing. Rehydrating."  --Chrystal Strum

"The Springs is a guided personal retreat with the Lord. It will provide you with the tools to deepen your love relationship with Jesus and refresh you in a way that only God can do."  -- Beckie Fanous

"A safe place where God will find you. No pressure or expectations set by those around you." -- Rachel Miller


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

An Invitation - Come in April

AW Tozer writes: "The facts are that God is not silent, has never been silent. It is the nature of God to speak.

"The second Person of the Holy Trinity is called the Word. If you would follow on to know the Lord, come at once to the open Bible expecting it to speak to you. Do not come with the notion that it is a thing which you may push around at your convenience. It's more than a thing; it is a voice, a word, the very Word of the living God."  (from The Pursuit of God)

Statues at St.Anthony's Retreat Center
Come to The Springs Retreat for prayer and reflection and let the Living Word strengthen you as you contemplate the mystery of Good Friday and the Wonder of Easter Sunday.

Let Jesus enfold you in His love (God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us).

It is the experiential knowledge of the Savior's love that will quiet your anxieties and fears, give you deep physical rest, and restore your soul as you enjoy the beauty of His creation.

Hear Jesus, the Living Word of God, inviting you to come away from the demands of your life so that you can spend a few days with Him.